Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

Winter Treatments: A Spotlight on Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

As the winter chill sets in and the sun takes a back seat, now is the prime time for those keen to rejuvenate their facial appearance. The subdued sunlight of the colder months creates a conducive environment for recovery from certain cosmetic procedures, making winter a preferred season for many.

Why Winter for Facial Rejuvenation?

Winter’s weak sun provides an opportune moment for treatments that need a little downtime and benefit from reduced sun exposure. Sun exposure can sometimes cause hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone, particularly after certain treatments. Hence, the minimal sunlight during winter can be advantageous.

Trending Non-Surgical Procedures

Several non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures are catching the fancy of patients:

  1. PRP (Vampire Facial): This procedure harnesses the body’s natural healing powers, using one’s own plasma to promote cell turnover and enhance skin’s overall appearance.
  2. Microneedling: A minimally invasive treatment that involves the use of tiny needles to induce collagen production, leading to smoother, more youthful skin.
  3. Peels: Chemical peels exfoliate the skin’s upper layers to reveal fresher, revitalized skin beneath.
  4. Laser Treatments: With a range of options available, laser treatments can address various skin concerns from wrinkles to pigmentation. The majority of these treatments come with a relatively short recovery period.

While these procedures can offer transformative results, the best outcomes are often seen after a series of treatments. Typically, three to six sessions are recommended, making the extended winter season a perfect window.

Beyond the Face: Laser Hair Removal and Kybella

Apart from facial treatments, winter is also the go-to season for treatments like laser hair removal. Achieving the desired hair reduction requires multiple sessions, and avoiding sun exposure between treatments ensures optimal results.

Kybella is another sought-after treatment during winter. Designed for neck rejuvenation, it addresses the double chin. The mild swelling post-procedure can easily be concealed with winter wear, especially scarves.

2018: The Year of Natural Aesthetics

The overarching trend steering the cosmetic world this year is the emphasis on natural aesthetics. The modern patient desires the enhancement that procedures offer but without the tell-tale signs. They seek results that radiate a youthful, refreshed appearance, not an operated look.

In line with this trend, even in treatments like breast augmentation, there’s a noticeable shift. Patients are gravitating towards subtler augmentations. The advent of new materials, such as the “gummy bear” implants, offers a more natural projection and feel, making them a popular choice.

In essence, 2018 is all about embracing the best version of oneself, naturally and subtly. The beauty industry’s pivot towards non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments during winter is a testament to that.

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